1)博士招生代码、专业及研究方向(Doctoral enrollment code, major and research direction)
081401岩土工程(The geotechnical engineering)
01地下工程不良地质超前预报(Bad geological forecast of underground engineering)
02深部洞室围岩稳定分析与控制(Stability analysis and control of surrounding rock in deep cavern)
03岩土工程数值与物理模拟(Numerical and physical simulation of geotechnical engineering)
04岩土介质多场耦合作用(Multi - field coupling of rock and soil media)
081402结构工程(Structural engineering)
01钢-混组合结构(Steel-composite structure)
02装配式结构与防灾(Prefabricated structure and disaster prevention)
03结构工程可靠度分析(Structural engineering reliability analysis)
081405防灾减灾工程及防护工程(Disaster prevention and reduction works and protection works)
01地下工程突涌水预报与治理(Forecast and control of sudden water gushing in underground engineering)
02地下工程灾害防治技术(Disaster prevention technology for underground engineering)
03地下工程开挖支护技术(Excavation and support technology of underground engineering)
081406桥梁与隧道工程(Bridges and tunnels)
01桥梁与隧道健康检测与监测(Health inspection and monitoring of Bridges and tunnels)
02桥隧施工力学分析与风险控制(Mechanical analysis and risk control of bridge and tunnel construction)
085272先进制造(工程博士)【Advanced manufacturing(Doctor of engineering)】
(2)硕士招生代码、专业及研究方向:(Master enrollment code, major and research direction)
080102固体力学(Solid mechanics)
01结构强度(The structural strength)
02振动理论与应用(Vibration theory and application)
03计算固体力学(Computational solid mechanics)
04微细观多尺度力学(Microscopic view of multi-scale mechanics)
080104工程力学(Engineering mechanics)
01动力学与最优控制(Dynamics and optimal control)
02振动与噪声控制(Vibration and noise control)
04计算力学(Computational mechanics)
05岩土介质渗流力学(Seepage mechanics of rock and soil media)
081401岩土工程(The geotechnical engineering)
01复杂岩土介质的力学特性与锚固效应(Mechanical properties and anchoring effects of complex rock and soil media)
02地下工程施工过程力学(Mechanics of underground engineering construction process)
03岩土工程数值模拟与物理模拟(Numerical and physical simulation of geotechnical engineering)
04地质灾害预报与治理(Prediction and management of geological disasters)
05岩土渗流力学特性(Mechanical properties of rock and soil seepage)
06岩土工程施工监测与反馈分析(Geotechnical engineering construction monitoring and feedback analysis)
07岩土工程学科交叉创新(Interdisciplinary innovation in geotechnical engineering)
081402结构工程(Structural engineering)
01结构可靠度、鉴定加固、道路病害处治(Structural reliability, identification and reinforcement, road disease treatment)
02工程设计、施工与管理(Engineering design,construction and management)
03工程防灾减灾(Engineering disaster prevention and reduction)
04钢结构与竹木结构、新材料(Steel structure and bamboo structure, new material)
05预制装配式混凝土结构(Precast concrete structure)
06地基基础及加固(Foundation foundation and reinforcement)
07基坑工程、深基础设计理论与环境控制(Foundation pit engineering, deep foundation design theory and environmental control)
081406桥梁与隧道工程(Bridges and tunnels)
01隧道施工过程力学理论与方法(Mechanics theory and method of tunnel construction process)
02隧道围岩稳定性分析与控制(Stability analysis and control of tunnel surrounding rock)
03隧道不良地质超前探测与防治(Tunnel bad geological advance detection and prevention)
04桥梁结构设计理论(Theory of bridge structural design)
05桥梁抗震与减振(Seismic and vibration reduction of Bridges)
06桥梁监测与控制(Bridge monitoring and control)
0814Z1建筑与城乡规划设计(Architecture and urban and rural planning and design)
01建筑设计理论与应用(Architectural design theory and application)
02建筑设计及技术应用(Architectural design and technical application)
03建筑文化与遗产保护(Preservation of architectural culture and heritage)
04城乡规划理论与应用(Theory and application of urban and rural planning)
05城市设计与开发管理(Urban design and development management)
06空间城市系统与空间规划(Spatial urban system and spatial planning)
07生态与景观规划设计(Ecological and landscape planning and design)
081501水文学及水资源(Hydrology and water resources)
01水资源开发利用与保护(Development, utilization and protection of water resources)
02区域水资源管理与配置(Regional water resources management and allocation)
03水旱灾害规律、防洪减灾及雨洪资源利用(Law of flood and drought disaster, flood control and disaster reduction and utilization of rain-flood resources)
04水信息技术(Water information technology)
05水文、水资源与水环境领域新技术的开发与应用(Development and application of new technologies in hydrology, water resources and water environment)
06水资源宏观战略研究(Research on macro strategy of water resources)
081503水工结构工程(Hydraulic structural engineering)
01水工结构可靠度及风险分析研究(Study on reliability and risk analysis of hydraulic structure)
02高边坡及地下工程(High slope and underground engineering)
03水工安全监控与加固技术(Hydraulic safety monitoring and reinforcement technology)
04工程水力学及水力模拟仿真(Engineering hydraulics and hydraulic simulation)
05地基基础及堤坝防渗加固技术应用研究(Application research on foundation and dam seepage control and reinforcement technology)
06城市防洪及雨洪利用(Urban flood control and flood utilization)