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1.成果名称:深部隧(巷)道破碎软弱围岩稳定性监测控制关键技术及应用(Deep tunnel (lane) broken weak rock mass stability monitoring and control key technology and application

获奖级别:(Award Level)  国家科技进步二等奖(Second prize of national science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2016年(2016

2.成果名称:隧道与地下工程重大突涌水灾害治理关键技术及工程应用(Key technologies and engineering applications of major sudden water gushing disasters in tunnels and underground projects

获奖级别:(Award Level)  国家科技进步二等奖(Second prize of national science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2014年(2014

3. 获奖级别:(Award Level)  山东省科学技术最高奖(Shandong province science and technology top prize

获奖年份:(Award year2015年(2015

4. 成果名称:黄河中下游粉土工程特性与路基长期服役性能保障技术(Silty soil engineering characteristics and long service performance assurance technology of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River

获奖级别:(Award Level)  山东省科技进步奖一等奖(First prize of shandong science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2018年(2018

5. 成果名称:深部复杂条件巷道围岩分阶段完整控制关键技术研发及应用(Research and development and application of key technologies for complete control of surrounding rock in deep complex conditions

获奖级别:(Award Level)  山东省科技进步奖一等奖(First prize of shandong science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2018年(2018

6. 成果名称:TBM掘进地质信息与致灾构造动态感知及安全控制关键技术(Key technologies of TBM tunneling geological information and disaster - causing structure dynamic perception and safety control

获奖级别:(Award Level)  山东省科技进步奖一等奖(First prize of shandong science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2017年(2017

7. 成果名称:深长隧道重大突涌水灾害预测预警与风险控制关键技术(Key technologies of forecasting and warning and risk control of major sudden water gushing disaster in long tunnel

获奖级别:(Award Level)  山东省科技进步奖一等奖(First prize of shandong science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2016年(2016

8. 成果名称:地下工程软岩挤压大变形机理与控制关键技术(Large deformation mechanism and key control technology of soft rock extrusion in underground engineering

获奖级别:(Award Level)  湖北省科技进步奖一等奖(First prize of hubei science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2016年(2016

9. 成果名称:复杂条件下非完整岩体变形破坏分析方法与控制关键技术(Deformation and failure analysis method and key control technique of non-intact rock mass under complex conditions

获奖级别:(Award Level)  山东省科技发明一等奖(Shandong province science and technology invention first prize

获奖年份:(Award year2015年(2015

10. 成果名称:黄泛区粉土路基修建成套技术与应用(Technology and application of silty roadbed construction in floodplain area

获奖级别:(Award Level)  高等学校科学研究科技进步二等奖(Second prize of scientific research and technological progress of institutions of higher learning

获奖年份:(Award year2017年(2017

11. 成果名称:地下工程突涌水特种注浆封堵与围岩加固成套技术(A complete set of special grouting plugging and surrounding rock reinforcement technology for sudden water gushing in underground engineering

获奖级别:(Award Level)  高等学校科学研究技术发明二等奖(Second prize of scientific research and technological invention of institutions of higher learning

获奖年份:(Award year2016年(2016

12. 成果名称:预应力混凝土梁桥典型病害防治及加固关键技术(Key technologies of prevention and reinforcement of typical diseases of prestressed concrete beam Bridges

获奖级别:(Award Level) 山东省科技进步奖二等奖(Second prize of shandong science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2017年(2017

13. 成果名称:特长岩溶隧道地质灾害预控分析与安全快速施工关键技术(The key technology of geological disaster precontrol analysis and safe and fast construction of long karst tunnel

获奖级别:(Award Level) 山东省科技进步奖二等奖(Second prize of shandong science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2016年(2016

14. 成果名称:地下工程穿越富水软弱地层重大灾害控制成套技术(A complete set of technologies for controlling major disasters in water-rich and weak strata in underground engineering

获奖级别:(Award Level) 山东省科技进步奖二等奖(Second prize of shandong science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2015年(2015

15. 成果名称:黄河三角洲沥青路面水损坏流固耦合机理、损伤评价方法与防治技术(Fluid-solid coupling mechanism of water damage on asphalt pavement in the Yellow River delta, damage evaluation method and prevention technology

获奖级别:(Award Level) 山东省科技进步奖二等奖(Second prize of shandong science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2015年(2015

16. 成果名称:膨胀性上覆湿陷性黄土隧道大变形演化机理及施工关键技术(Large deformation evolution mechanism and key construction techniques of expansive overlying collapsible loess tunnel

获奖级别:(Award Level) 山东省科技进步奖二等奖(Second prize of shandong science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2014年(2014

17. 成果名称:节能全装配钢结构体系的关键技术与工程应用(Key technology and engineering application of energy saving fully assembled steel structure system

获奖级别:(Award Level) 山东省科技进步奖二等奖(Second prize of shandong science and technology progress award

获奖年份:(Award year2014年(2014

18. 成果名称:黄河冲淤积平原路基灾变机制、预警方法和综合防控技术(Disaster mechanism, early warning method and comprehensive prevention and control technology of subgrade in Yellow River alluvial plain

获奖级别:(Award Level) 中国公路学会科学技术一等奖(First prize of science and technology of China highway society

获奖年份:(Award year2018年深部软岩巷道  (Deep soft rock roadway 2018

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Email: tjfdw@sdu.edu.cn Tel:+86-531-88392446 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm