Daohong Qiu
PhD, Associate Professor, Master Tutor
Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Center
Email:qiudh@sdu.edu.cn Tel: 0531-88395027; 15165060439
Research Interests:
1. New technologies and methods for advanced prediction of bad geological conditions in tunnels;
2. Prediction and control of surrounding rock stability, collapse, rock burst and other disasters in underground engineering;
3. New technologies and methods for health monitoring of urban rail transit structure;
4. TBM tunneling performance prediction and intelligent decision
Selected Publications:
[1] 邱道宏,李术才,张乐文. 基于隧洞超前地质探测和地应力场反演的岩爆预测研究. 岩土力学,2015, 36(7) :2034~2040.(EI收录)
[2] 邱道宏,李术才,薛翊国,等。基于数字钻进技术和量子遗传-RBF神经网络的围岩类别超前识别技术研究,岩土力学。2014, Vol.35,No.7:2013~2018.(EI收录)
[3] 邱道宏,李术才,张乐文. 基于模型可靠性检查的QGA-SVM岩爆倾向性分类研究. 应用基础与工程科学学报,2015, 23(5) :981~991.(EI收录)
[4] Qiu, Daohong; Cui, Jiuhua; Xue, Yiguo ,et al. Dynamic risk assessment of the subsea tunnel construction process: Analytical model[J]. Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering. 2019,10(3): 195-210. (EI收录)
[5] Xue Yiguo, Li Xin, Qiu Daohong*, et al. Stability evaluation for the excavation face of shield tunnel across the Yangtze River by multi-factor analysis[J]. Geomechanics and Engineering. 2019,19,(3):283-293. (SCI收录)
[6] Xue Yiguo, Li Zhiqiang, Qiu Daohong*, et al. Classification model for surrounding rock based on the PCA-ideal point method: an engineering application[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2019,78,(5):3627-3635. (SCI收录)
[7] Xue Yiguo, Li Zhiqiang, Qiu Daohong*, et al. Prediction Model for Subway Tunnel Collapse Risk Based on Delphi-Ideal Point Method and Geological Forecast[J]. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 2019,56,(3):191-199. (SCI收录)
[8] Xue, Yiguo, Li, Zhiqiang, Li, Shucai, Qiu, Daohong*, Tao, Yufan, Wang, Lin, Yang, Weimin et al . Prediction of rock burst in underground caverns based on rough set and extensible comprehensive evaluation[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 2019,78,(1):417-429. (SCI收录)
[9] QIU Dao Hong, LI Tian Bin, XUE Yi Guo, et al. Rockburst Prediction Based on Distance Discrimination Method and Optimization Technology-Based Weight Calculation Method. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2014, Vol.19/H:1843~1854.(EI收录)
[10] QIU Dao Hong, LI Shu Cai, XUE Yi Guo, et al. Application of SVM in Forecast of Water Inrush from Coal Floor Based on Model Reliability Examination. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2014, Vol.19/L:2657~2668.(EI收录)
[11] 邱道宏,李术才,张乐文,等。基于优化理论的权重反分析方法研究,岩土工程学报。2010, Vol.30,No.2:259~264. (EI收录)
[12] QIU Dao-hong, LI Shu-cai, ZHANG Le-wen,et,al. Application of GA-SVM in surrounding rock classification based on model reliability examination. 中国矿业大学学报(英文版)。2010, Vol.20,No.3:428~433.(EI收录)
[13] 邱道宏,张乐文,李术才,等。基于TSP203系统和GA_SVM的围岩超前分类预测,岩石力学与工程学报。2010, Vol.29,supp.1:3221~3226.(EI收录)
[14] 邱道宏,张乐文,李术才,等。基于权重反分析方法的加权距离判别法及应用,岩土力学。2010, Vol.31,No.10:3243~3247.(EI收录)
[15] 邱道宏,张乐文,薛翊国,等。地下洞室分步开挖围岩应力变化特征及岩爆预测,岩土力学。2011, Vol.32,supp(2):430~436.(EI收录)
[16] 张乐文,邱道宏,李术才,等。基于粗糙集和理想点法的隧道围岩分类研究,岩土力学。2011, Vol.32,supp(1):171~175.(EI收录) 通讯作者
[17] 邱道宏,陈剑平,王坛华. 分离式隧道非同步开挖两洞相互影响程度研究[J]. 大连理工大学学报,2006.12, Vol.46, Supp.151~156. (EI收录)
[18] 邱道宏,陈剑平,肖云华,秦胜伍. 分离式隧道非同步开挖岩爆预测研究[J].岩土力学. 2009, Vol.30,No.2:516~520.(EI收录)
[1]名称:一种基于TSP系统和岩体随机不连续面三维网络地质超前预测方法 (发明型,专利号:CN201711375524.9)
[4] 名称:水下灌注混凝土标高控制装备与使用方法(发明型,专利号:ZL201210205650.0)
[5] 名称:钻爆法施工爆破震动超宽频带信号接收检波器及使用方法 (发明型,专利号:ZL201210205529.8)
[6] 名称:盾构法施工中利用震动信号超前地质预报装置及使用方法 (发明型,专利号:ZL201210205640.7)
[7] 名称:地面跨孔电阻率CT测量线缆过马路装置(发明型,专利号:ZL201210457221.2)
[8] 名称:TBM法施工中爆破震动超宽频带信号接收检波器及使用方法(发明型,专利号:ZL201210205646.4)