Yiguo Xue
PhD, Professor, PhD Tutor
Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Center
Email: xieagle@sdu.edu.cnTel: 13953166233
Research Interests:
1. New technologies and methods for advanced prediction and treatment of bad geological conditions in tunnels;
2. Key technical issues of subsea tunnels and underground energy storage;
3. High slope stability evaluation and disaster prevention;
4. Engineering survey / exploration new technology and new method.
Selected Publications:
[1] Xue Y.G.*, Li Z.Q., Liang J.Y., et al. Performance assessment of the water curtain system: a monitoring system in an underground water-sealed oil reservoir in China[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020, Accepted (SCI刊源)
[2] Xue Y.G.*, Bai C.H., Kong F.M., et al. A two-step comprehensive evaluation model for rockburst prediction based on multiple empirical criteria[J]. Engineering Geology, 2020: 105515. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2020.105515 (SCI刊源)
[3] Xue Y.G.*, Bai C.H., Qiu D.H., et al. Predicting rockburst with database using particle swarm optimization and extreme learning machine[J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020, 98: https://doi.org/103287. 10.1016/j.tust.2020.103287 (SCI刊源)
[4] Su M.X., Zhao Y., Xue Y.G.*, et al. Parameter Preferences for Length Detection of Reinforcement Cage in Bored Pile[J]. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2020, 34(2): https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001386 (SCI刊源)
[5] Xue Y.G.*, Zhou B.H., Wu Z.D., et al. Mechanical properties of support form for fault fracture zone in subsea tunnel[J]. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2020, 56(6): 436-444. (SCI刊源)
[6] Xue Y.G.*, Kong F.M., Li S.C., et al. Case study: using indirect testing methods to quickly acquire the rock strength and rock mass classification in tunnel engineering[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2020, Accepted https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.0001633 (SCI刊源)
[7] Xue Y.G., Zhang K., Su M.X., et al. A survey method on groundwater sources and preferential flow paths in urban limestone-based residential districts[J]. Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics, 2020, Accepted (SCI刊源)
[8] Xue Y.G.*, Gong H.M., Kong F.M., et al. Stability analysis and excavation method optimization of the double-arch tunnel with an extra-large span based on numerical investigation[J]. Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 2020, Accepted (SCI刊源)
[9] Xue Y.G., Tao Y.F., Zhang Q., et al. Risk Assessment of Unstable Rock Masses on High-steep Slopes: an Attribute Recognition Model[J]. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2019, Accepted (SCI刊源)
[10] Xue Y.G., Li G.K., Wang X.K., et al. Analysis and optimization design of submarine tunnels crossing fault fracture zones based on numerical simulation[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019, 37(9): 1119-1129. https://doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2019.1655120 (SCI收录)
[11] Li Z.Q., Xue Y.G.*, Li S.C., et al. An analytical model for surrounding rock classification during underground water-sealed caverns construction: a case study from eastern China[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019, 78(20): 602. https://xs.scihub.ltd/https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8606-4 (SCI收录)
[12] Xue Y.G.*, Li Z.Q., Li S.C., et al. Water inrush risk assessment for an undersea tunnel crossing a fault: An analytical model[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019, 37(7): 816-827. https://doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2018.1494230 (SCI收录)
[13] Xue Y.G., Li Z.Q., Qiu D.H., et al. Prediction Model for Subway Tunnel Collapse Risk Based on Delphi-Ideal Point Method and Geological Forecast[J]. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 2019, 56(3): 191-199. https://xs.scihub.ltd/https://doi.org/10.1007/s11204-019-09589-4 (SCI收录)
[14] Xue Y.G.*, Qu C.Q., Su M.X., et al. Subsea tunnel site selection evaluation: A new evaluation model [J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2019.1657210 (SCI收录)
[15] Su M.X., Xia T., Xue Y.G.*, et al. Small fixed‐loop transient electromagnetic in tunnel forward geological prediction[J]. Geophysical Prospecting, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2478.12929 (SCI收录)
[16] Li X, Xue Y.G.*, Qiu D.H., et al. Application of data mining to lagging deformation prediction of the underwater shield tunnel[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019: 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2019.1681039 (SCI收录)
[17] Xue Y.G.*, Li X, Qiu D.H., et al. Stability evaluation for the excavation face of shield tunnel across the Yangtze River by multi-factor analysis[J]. Geomechanics and Engineering, 2019, 19(3): 283-293. https://doi.org/10.12989/gae.2019.19.3.283 (SCI收录)
[18] Su M.X., Wang P., Xue Y.G.*, et al. Prediction of risk in submarine tunnel construction by multi-factor analysis: A collapse prediction model[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019, 37(9): 1119-1129. https://doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2018.1535635 (SCI收录)
[19] Xue Y.G.*, Zhou B.H., Qiu D.H., et al. A prediction model for overlying rock thickness of subsea tunnel: A hybrid intelligent system[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019, 37(10): 1267-1276. https://doi.org/10.1080/1064119X.2018.1550544 (SCI收录)
[20] Xue Y.G.*, Zhang X.L., Li S.C., et al. Sensitivity analysis of loess stability to physical and mechanical properties: assessment model[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2019, 19(7): 06019012. https://ascelibrary.org/doi/full/10.1061/%28ASCE%29GM.1943-5622.0001400 (SCI收录)
[21] Xue Y.G.*, Li Z.Q., Li S.C., et al. Prediction of rock burst in underground caverns based on rough set and extensible comprehensive evaluation[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019, 78(1): 417-429. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-017-1117-1 (SCI收录)
[22] Xue Y.G.*, Li Z.Q., Qiu D.H., et al. Classification model for surrounding rock based on the PCA-ideal point method: an engineering application[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019, 78(5): 3627-3635. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10064-018-1368-5 (SCI收录)
[23] Xue Y.G.*, Zhang X.L., Li S.C., et al. Analysis of factors influencing tunnel deformation in loess deposits by data mining: a deformation prediction model[J]. Engineering Geology, 2018, 232: 94-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2017.11.014 (SCI收录)
[24] Li Z.Q., Xue Y.G., Qiu D.H., et al. AHP-ideal point model for large underground petroleum storage site selection: an engineering application[J]. Sustainability, 2017, 9(12): 2343. https://doi.org/10.3390/su9122343 (SCI收录)
[25] Xue Y.G.*, Wang D., Li S.C., et al. A risk prediction method for water or mud inrush from water-bearing faults in subsea tunnel based on cusp catastrophe model[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2017, 21(7): 2607-2614. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12205-017-0611-0 (SCI收录)
[26] Li Z.Q., Xue Y.G.*, Li S.C., et al. Deformation features and failure mechanism of steep rock slope under the mining activities and rainfall[J]. Journal of Mountain Science, 2017, 14(1): 31-45. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11629-015-3781-6 (SCI收录)
[27] Li S.C., Xue Y.G.*, Tian H., et al. Identifying the geological interface of the stratum of tunnel granite and classifying rock mass according to drilling energy theory[J]. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2016, 9(1): 49. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-015-2055-5 (SCI收录)
[28] Xue Y.G., Li S.C., Qiu D.H., et al. A new evaluation method for site selection of large underground water-sealed petroleum storage depots[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2015, 58(6): 967-978. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11431-015-5825-0 (SCI收录)
[29] Xue Y.G.*, Li S.C., Zhang D.F., et al. Vibration characteristics in subway operation and environmental responses of ancient buildings[J]. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2014, 23(1): 231-241. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.11.002 (SCI收录)
[30] Xue Y.G.*, Li S.C., Zhang D.F., et al. Vibration characteristics and environmental responses of different vehicle-track-ballast coupling systems in subway operation[J]. Journal of Vibroengineering, 2014, 16(5): 2458-2473. (SCI收录)
[31] Qiu D.H., Cui J.H., Xue Y.G.*, et al. Dynamic Risk Assessment of the Subsea Tunnel Construction Process: Analytical Model[J]. Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering, 2019, 10(3): 195-210. (EI收录)
[32] Li X, Xue Y.G.*, Gong H.M., et al. Investigation on collapse risk of subsea tunnel based on data mining A collapse risk recognition model[J]. Earth and Environmental Science. (EI录用)
[33] Ma X.M., Xue Y.G.*, Bai C,H., et al. Prediction model for deformation risk grade of the soft rock tunnel based on GRA – extension[J]. Earth and Environmental Science. (EI 录用)
[34] 薛翊国*,孔凡猛,杨为民等. 川藏铁路沿线主要不良地质条件与工程地质问题[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报. (EI录用)
[35] 邱道宏,李术才,薛翊国*等. 基于数字钻进技术和量子遗传-径向基函数神经网络的围岩类别超前识别技术研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2014, 35(07): 2013-2018. (EI收录)
[36] 薛翊国*,李术才,邱道宏等. 基于权重反分析和功效系数法的地下储油洞库围岩分类模型及应用研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2013, 34(12): 3549-3554+3560. (EI收录)
[37] 田昊,李术才,薛翊国*等. 基于钻进能量理论的隧道凝灰岩地层界面识别及围岩分级方法[J]. 岩土力学, 2012, 33(08): 2457-2464. (EI收录)
[38] 薛翊国*,李术才,苏茂鑫等. 青岛胶州湾海底隧道涌水断层注浆效果综合检验方法研究[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2011, 30(07): 1382-1388. (EI收录)
[39] 薛翊国*,李术才,苏茂鑫等. 隧道施工期超前地质预报实施方法研究[J]. 岩土力学, 2011, 32(08): 2416-2422. (EI收录)
[40] 薛翊国*,李术才,苏茂鑫等. 青岛胶州湾海底隧道含水断层综合超前预报实践[J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2009, 28(10): 2081-2087. (EI收录)
[41] 薛翊国*,李术才,张庆松等. 隧道信息化施工岩溶裂隙水超前地质预报[J]. 岩土力学, 2008, 29(12): 3360-3364. (EI收录)
[42] 薛翊国*,陈剑平,王清等. 基于界面元的裂隙网络渗流模型中不稳定块体预测 [J]. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2008(07): 1485-1491. (EI收录)
[43] 李术才,薛翊国,张庆松等. 高风险岩溶地区隧道施工地质灾害综合预报预警关键技术研究[J](获中国百篇最具影响国内学术论文奖). 岩石力学与工程学报, 2008(07): 1297-1307. (EI收录)
[1] 薛翊国,李术才,张庆松等, 盾构法施工中超前地质预报震源信号发射激震装置及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201210149816.1
[2] 薛翊国,李术才,田昊等, TBM法施工中爆破震动超宽频带信号接收检波器及使用方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201210205646.4
[3] 薛翊国,李术才,张乐文等, 基于钢弹簧和拉力传感器检测危岩体崩塌的装置与方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201210551607.X
[4] 薛翊国,张开,李术才等, 一种隧道超前地质预报炮孔填充堵塞装置及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201710174661.X
[5] 薛翊国,陶宇帆,李志强等, 具有自保护功能的监控量测测点装置、系统及其制造方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201710233438.8
[6] 薛翊国,周炳桦,李术才等, 一种适用于黄土地质隧道的地表监测点及布设装置及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201710262548.7
[7] 薛翊国,王欣桐,李术才等, 隧道初期支护拱架立设施工的新型机械装置与操作方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201710313096.0
[8] 薛翊国,周炳桦,李志强等, 一种适用于隧道与地下工程监控量测信息的智慧感知系统及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201710347036.0
[9] 薛翊国,李志强,李术才等, 一种适用于隧道tsp预报的组合套管、系统及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201710425277.2
[10] 薛翊国,张开,李术才等, 一种基于台车的半自动隧道钢筋网铺设装置及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201710404395.5
[11] 薛翊国,李术才,张乐文等, 利用组合球位置变化预测危岩体崩塌的装置及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201210558669.3
[12] 李术才,薛翊国,张乐文等, 一种利用录像法监测危岩体崩塌的装置与方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201210552309.2
[13] 李术才,薛翊国,田昊等, 深长隧道不良地质和岩体力学性质超前探测装置及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201210529458.7
[14] 李术才,薛翊国,张学亮等, 隧道施工灾害多功能同步监测预警装置及其使用方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201710423234.0
[15] 李术才,李志强,薛翊国等, 隧道施工地质雷达法超前预报的安全辅助系统及预报系统. 国家发明专利, ZL201710307684.3
[16] 薛翊国,宁泽旭,苏茂鑫等, 一种适用于隧道衬砌自动检测系统及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201811622262.6
[17] 薛翊国,李广坤,周炳桦等,一种隧道内自动抽水装置及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201811089022.4
[18] 薛翊国,柏成浩,李术才等,隧道地震波法超前地质预报中炮线与雷管线的连接装置及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201811022782.3
[19] 薛翊国,柏成浩,李术才等,隧道超前预报中防止炮孔坍塌的支撑清理装置及使用方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201811089090.0
[20] 薛翊国,李广坤,苏茂鑫等,一种使探地雷达平行前进且省力的装置及使用方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201810932426.9
[21] 薛翊国,公惠民,李术才等,适用于隧道地质雷达法超前预报的辅助装置及工作方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201810886184.4
[22] 薛翊国,傅康,郭志强等,一种基于施工台车的隧道全自动帷幕除尘装置及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201811004689.X
[23] 薛翊国,孔凡猛,周炳桦等,一种隧道内爆破噪声和震动消减装置及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201811089002.7
[24] 薛翊国,李欣,李术才等,一种用于盾构机更换刀具机器人及使用方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201810462222.3
[1] 薛翊国,李广坤,李术才等,基于爬壁机器人的隧道内放射性氡智能感知监测系统及方法. 国家发明专利, ZL201810448555.0
[2] 薛翊国,周炳桦,张敦福. 地铁沿线构筑物垂向Z振级预测系统. 软件著作权, 2018SR930607
[3] 薛翊国,李欣,孙衍建,甄洪帅. 盾构法施工全位移预测及评价系统. 软件著作权, 2018SR1089488
[4] 李术才,薛翊国,李广坤. 隧道地质灾害超前预报方法智能选择系统. 软件著作权, 2018SR924931
[5] 薛翊国,李广坤,邱道宏. TBM开挖隧道围岩分级系统. 软件著作权, 2019SR0768203
[6] 薛翊国,马新民,李欣. 顺层偏压软岩隧道异常变形识别及不均匀大变形分级系统. 软件著作权, 2019SR0777783
[7] 公惠民,薛翊国,傅康. FLAC3D基础模型命令流生成工具软件. 软件著作权, 2019SR0797482
[8] 薛翊国,李欣,马新民. 水下隧道盾构法施工开挖面稳定性评价系统. 软件著作权, 2019SR0801526
[9] 薛翊国,马新民,邱道宏. 软岩隧道变形风险等级预测及施工支护优化系统. 软件著作权, 2019SR0891005