Yu Song, Associate professor
Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University.
Contact: 86-15866730280. Email: yusong@sdu.edu.cn
Education Background:
1985-89 Dept. of Machine Building, ShanDong University B.E.
1989-92 Dept. of Machine Building, ShanDong University M.E.
2001-04 Mould & Die Engineering Research Center, Shandong University, Ph.D.
2005-07 National Die & Mold CAD Engineering Research Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, post-doctoral research.
2008 University of California, San Diego, USA. Visiting scholar.
Research Interests:
Rock and soil mechanics,Fracture mechanics,Nondestructive detection technology(AE),Numerical simulation for rock fracture and metal forming, DDA (Discontinuous Deformation Analysis) method in rock mechanics.
Teaching courses:
FEM(Finite Element Method) analysis and structure optimization (in English), Structural Optimization(in English/Chinese). Engineering Mechanics, Material Mechanics, FEM analysis and its applications, ANSYS numerical simulation method.
Academic awards and Publications:
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51579140) An experimental and theoretical research on the mechanism of rock mass with multiple fractures development damage and hydraulic fracturing processes, 2016- 19.
2. Foundation of State key laboratory of geotechnical mechanics and engineering, Z013008, Research crack propagation in fractured rock mass using fluid-solid coupling 3d DDA method, 2013-14.
3. Study on the influence of water seal on Huangdao large underground oil storage depot, 2012-13.
4. 2005 Research on numerical simulation of Aluminum profile-extrusion and mesh quality optimization (China post-doctor research foundation )
5. 2005 Research on numerical simulation of complex bulk forming processes and Hex-mesh regeneration algorithm ( Shanghai post-doctor research support program)
6. 2008 Research on nano-material cutting tool in meso-macro mechanica approach(National Nature Science Foundation of China)
7. 2005 Knownledge-based engineering (KBE) technological design and optimization of fine-blanking processes (National Nature Science Foundation of China)
8. 2006 Technological design and optimization of steamer blade forging process ( Wuxi blade forge factory )
9. 2006 Technological design and optimization of Al-alloy forge processes and ductile fracture or fatigue in mould and die ( Shanghai Huizhong Automotive Manufacturing Co.,Ltd.)
Publications :
《Material Mechanics》 Guofang press 2001
《Engineering Mechanics》 Guofang press 2006
Representative research papers:
Rock bridge fracture model and stability analysis of surrounding rock in underground cavern group, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2015
Analysis and application of seepage field in fracture zone based on DDA method and a fluid-solid coupling model, Rock mechanics,2015(in Chinese)
Stability analysis of surrounding rock under seismic load, journal of underground space and engineering,2015(in Chinese)
Analysis of seepage field for fractured rock mass using DDA method based on coupled hydro-mechanical model, Proceeding of the 2015 World Congress on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Inchon, Korea.
Theory and experimental verification of prefabricated plane fractures with fissure water, journal of Shandong university (engineering science edition) 2019
Numerical simulation study on mechanical properties of layered jointed rock mass, journal of Shandong university (engineering science edition) 2020
“Research on Automatic Generation and Regeneration Algorithm of Hexahedral Mesh”
Zhao Guoqun, Yu Song, Wang Guangchun. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 2006 ( in Chinese)
8. “Experimental and theoretical research on Ductile fracture criterion” Yu Song, Chen Jun, Ruan Xueyu.
9. “Automatic generation of hexahedral mesh in metal bulk forming” YU Song, ZHAO Guo-qun, WANG Guang-chun,Zhang Cunsheng. JOURNAL OF PLASTICITY ENGINEERING 2004 ( in Chinese)
10. “Experimental and Theoretical Research on Ductile Fracture Criterion in Plastic Deformation Processes” YU Song, CHEN Jun, RUAN Xueyu. Chinese Journal of Materials Research, 2006 ( in Chinese)