Binglei Wang, Associate Professor
Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering, 
Shandong University, Jinan, 250061, China,
Tel: 0531-88392812, Email: bwang@sdu.edu.cn
Research Interests
Ø Mechanical behavior of micro/nano-structures
The electromechanical coupling of dielectric materials and their flexural electrical properties; the multi-scale theoretical methods of micro/nano-structures; the modeling of micro/nano-electromechanical systems, the mechanical behavior of smart materials and structures.
Ø Engineering mechanics simulation and optimization
Finite element analysis, evaluation and optimization design of large machinery or engineering structure. He used to be a technical consultant of ANSYS Shandong Branch, proficient in finite element (ANSYS, ABAQUS) software, and he has many years of practical experience in engineering simulation analysis and evaluation.
Ø Recycling of solid waste
Recycling of urban and rural solid waste, such as construction waste and domestic waste. The research involves solid waste intelligent sorting, solid waste recycling products, solid waste recycling equipment, and so on.
Academic Experience
2008–2011 |
Ph.D.,Engineering Mechanics, Shandong University, China /Columbia University, USA Advisor: Professor ShenjieZhou /Xi Chen |
2002-2005 |
M.S., Solid Mechanics, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China Advisor: Professor ChangqingChen |
1998–2002 |
B.S.,Engineering Mechanics, Xi'an Jiaotong University,China |
Business Experience
2016-Present |
Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University, China |
2017-2018 |
Visit to Department of mechanics, University of Houston, USA Co-professor: Pradeep Sharma |
2011-2016 |
Lecture,Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University, China |
2009-2011 |
Joint Ph.D., Department of Engineering Mechanics,Columbia University, USA Advisor: Professor Xi Chen |
2005-2008 |
Engineer,Simulation Center of the 53th Research Institute of China North Industries Group Corporation Limited. |
Professional Affiliations & Service
Member of the Chinese Society of Mechanics;
Experts in Evaluation and Evaluation of Degree and Postgraduate Education of Ministry of Education;
International Review Expert of Polish Natural Science Foundation.
Reviewer: International Journal of Solids and Structures, International Journal of Embedded Systems, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics,Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics.
ESI paper
[J1] |
Binglei Wang, Junfeng Zhao, Shenjie Zhou. A micro scale Timoshenko beam model based on strain gradient elasticity theory. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 29: 591-599 (2010). |
Journal papers published
[J31] |
Binglei Wang, Shengyou Yang, Pradeep Sharma. Flexoelectricity as a universal mechanism for energy harvesting from crumpling of thin sheets. Physical Review B 100, 035438 (2019). |
[J30] |
Xu Yang, Yarong Zhou, Binglei Wang*, Bo Zhang*. A Finite-Element Method of Flexoelectriceffects on Nanoscale Beam. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 17(1): 29-43(2019). |
[J29] |
Xu Yang,Yarong Zhou,Lingling Chen,Binglei Wang*.The flexoelectric Response of nanobeam based on the general strain gradient elasticity.Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics1: 52-60 (2019). |
[J28] |
Yarong Zhou, Xu Yang, Dongmei Pan, Binglei Wang*,Improved incorporation of strain gradient elasticity in the flexoelectricity based energy harvesting from nanobeams.Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 98:148-158. (2018) |
[J27] |
Long Zhang, Binbin Liang, Shenjie Zhou, Binglei Wang*, YiguoXue. “An application of a size-dependent model on microplate with elastic medium based on strain gradient elasticity theory.Meccanica 52(1): 251-262 (2017). |
[J26] |
Long Zhang, Binglei Wang*, Shenjie Zhou, YiguoXue. Modeling the size-dependent nanostructures: Incorporating the bulk and surface effects.Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics 7(2): 04016012 (2017). |
[J25] |
Tenghao Yin, Binglei Wang*, Shenjie Zhou, Moli Zhao. A size-dependent model for beam-like MEMS driven by electrostatic and piezoelectric forces: A variational approach. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 84:46-54.(2016). |
[J24] |
Binglei Wang*, Shenghua Huang, Junfeng Zhao, Shenjie Zhou. Reconsiderations on boundary conditions of Kirchhoff micro-plate model based on a strain gradient elasticity theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling 40: 7303-7317 (2016). |
[J23] |
Shenjie Zhou, Anqing Li, and Binglei Wang. A reformulation of constitutive relations in the strain gradient elasticity theory for isotropic materials. International Journal of Solids and Structures 80:28-37 (2016). |
[J22] |
Binbin Liang, Long Zhang,Binglei Wang*, Shenjie Zhou. Study on the Size Dependence and Pull-in Instability of Electrostatically Actuated NEMS with Casimir Force. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics37(3): 247-253 (2016). |
[J21] |
Binbin Liang, Long Zhang,Binglei Wang*, Shenjie Zhou.Application of the Pseudo-Arclength Continuation Algorithm to Investigate the Size-Dependent Pull-in Instability of the Electrostatically Actuated MEMS.Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 36(4): 386-392 (2015). |
[J20] |
Long Zhang,Binglei Wang*,Binbin Liang, Shenjie Zhou,YiguoXue. A Size-Dependent Finite element Model for a Micro/Nanoscale Timoshenko Beam. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 13 (6): 491–506 (2015). |
[J19] |
Binbin Liang, Long Zhang, Binglei Wang*, Shenjie Zhou. A variational size-dependent model for electrostatically actuated NEMS incorporating nonlinearities and Casimir force. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 71: 21-30 (2015). |
[J18] |
Yue Xiao, Binglei Wang*, Shenjie Zhou. Pull-in voltage analysis of electrostatically actuated MEMS with piezoelectric layers: A size-dependent model. Mechanics Research Communications 66: 7-14 (2015). |
[J17] |
Binglei Wang*, Mingchao Liu, Junfeng Zhao, Shenjie Zhou. A size-dependent Reddy–Levinson beam model based on a strain gradient elasticity theory. Meccanica 49(6): 1427-1441(2014). |
[J16] |
Anqing Li, Shenjie Zhou, Shasha Zhou, Binglei Wang. A size-dependent bilayered microbeam model based on strain gradient elasticity theory. Composite Structures 108: 259-266 (2014). |
[J15] |
Anqing Li, Shenjie Zhou, Shasha Zhou, Binglei Wang A size-dependent model for bi-layered Kirchhoff micro-plate based on strain gradient elasticity theory Composite Structures 113: 272–280 (2014). |
[J14] |
Binglei Wang, Shenjie Zhou, Junfeng Zhao, Xi Chen. Pull-in Instability of Circular Plate MEMS: A New Model Based on Strain Gradient Elasticity Theory. International Journal of Applied Mechanics 4(1). 1250003 (12pages) (2012). |
[J13] |
Binglei Wang, Shenjie Zhou, Junfeng Zhao, Xi Chen. Analysis of wave propagation in micro/nanobeam-like structures: A size-dependent model. Acta MechanicaSinica 28(6): 1659-1667, (2012). |
[J12] |
Yuan Yan, Binglei Wang, Jie Yin, Xi Chen. Spontaneous Buckling Pattern of a Constrained Membrane Thin Film. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 107(4): 761-767 (2012). |
[J11] |
Baoxing Xu, Binglei Wang, Xi Chen. Temperature dependence of fluid transport in nanopores. The Journal of chemical physics 136(18): 184701. (2012) |
[J10] |
Junfeng Zhao, Shenjie Zhou, Binglei Wang, Xiping Wang. Nonlinear MicroBeam Model based on Strain Gradient Theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling 36(6): 2674-2686 (2012). |
[J9] |
Binglei Wang, Shenjie Zhou, Junfeng Zhao, Xi Chen. A Size-Dependent Kirchhoff Micro-Plate Model based on Strain Gradient Elasticity Theory. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 30: 517-524 (2011). |
[J8] |
Binglei Wang, Shenjie Zhou, Junfeng Zhao, Xi Chen. Size-dependent pull-in instability of electrostatically actuated microbeam-based MEMS. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 21: 027001 (6pp) (2011). |
[J7] |
Binglei Wang, Shenjie Zhou, Junfeng Zhao, Xi Chen. Pull-in instability analysis of electrostatically actuated microplate with rectangular shape. International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing 12(6): 1085-1094 (2011). |
[J6] |
Binglei Wang, Junfeng Zhao, Shenjie Zhou. A micro scale Timoshenko beam model based on strain gradient elasticity theory. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 29: 591-599 (2010). |
[J5] |
Binglei Wang, Shenjie Zhou, Junfeng Zhao, Xi Chen.Size dependent and pull-in voltage of electrostatically actuated MEMS. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics 32(6) 541-548 (2011). |
[J4] |
Binglei Wang,Gengxiao Tian, Pengya Shen.Effect of magetic field on the dynamic behavior of ferromagnetic structures. Journal of Experimental Mechanics20(3): 257-264 (2005). |
[J3] |
Junfeng Zhao, Shenjie Zhou, Binglei Wang,Xiping Wang. Effect of strain gradient on the pull-in voltage of micro-beam actuated by electrostatic force. Journal of Mechanical Strength 34:510-515. (2012). |
[J2] |
Wei Wang, Binglei Wang.Experimental investigation on the effect of tension and compression stress on magnetic hystresis loops for Q235 steel rod.Industrial Construction S1 (2005). |
[J1] |
Binglei Wang, Shuhu Li, Weiyi Chen.Application of FRP in blade for large wind turbine.EngineeringPlasticsApplication 36(4): 76-79 (2008). |
Selected Talks
[T5] |
Binglei Wang. “Size-dependent nonlinear behavior for electrostatic actuated NEMS with casimir force”, The 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICATAM), Montreal, Canada, 2016. |
[T4] |
Binglei Wang. “Nanobeam-based elastomer with Flexoelectricity: Nonlinearity and Size-dependency”, The 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science and ASME-AMD Joint Conference (SES),Boston, USA, 2017. |
[T3] |
Binglei Wang, Shenjie Zhou, Junfeng Zhao. Size-dependent models for Electrostatically Actuated MEMS. The 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM), Beijing, China, 2012. |
[T2] |
Binglei Wang, Junfeng Zhao,Shenjie Zhou.A size-dependent Kirchhoff micro-plate model based on strain gradient elasticity. Journal of Mechanics and Engineering Applications,Conference of mechanics and engineering application in seven northern provinces of China mechanics Society, Shandong, China, 2012 |
[T1] |
Binglei Wang,Shenjie Zhou,JunfengZhao,Xi Chen. Size dependent and pull-in voltage of electrostatically actuated MEMS.China mechanical Assembly, Heilongjiang, China, 2011. |
Teaching Experience
Ø Undergraduate students: Theoretical mechanics, Material mechanics, Engineering mechanics, Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University.
Ø Postgraduate: Continuum mechanics, Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering, Shandong University.