Weiming Feng
PhD, Professor, PhD Tutor
Department of Engineering Mechanics
Email:fwm@sdu.edu.cnTel: 13156443320
Research Interests: Dynamics and control; Spacecraft orbit optimization.
Selected Publications:
1. Feng Weiming, Wang B, Yang K, et al. Cooperative rendezvous between two spacecraft under finite thrust [J]. CEAS Space Journal, 2017, 9(2):227–241。
2. 冯维明,力学教学中的宽与窄、深与浅,力学与实践[J],2016,38(6):670-673
3. Weiming Feng , Liping Han, Lei Shi, Di Zhao, Kun Yang. Optimal Control for a Cooperative Rendezvous Between Two Spacecraft from Determined Orbits [J]. The Journal of the Astronautical Sciences. 27 January 2016:pp1-24(SCI收录)
4. 冯维明, 张会杰. 大学的课堂何以精彩, 教师教育研究[J],2015,27(5):29-33(CSSCI收录)
5. Feng W, Zhao D, Shi L, et al. Optimization control for the far-distance rapid cooperative rendezvous of spacecraft with different masses [J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2015, 45: 449-461. (SCI收录)
6. Feng Weiming, Ren F, Shi L. Optimal control for far-distance rapid cooperative rendezvous [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2014(SCI收录)
7. F. Weiming and S. Yixia .The energy conservation analysis and numerical simulation of in-plane and out-plane nonlinear vibrations of cable-stayed beams, International Journal of Fracture Fatigue and Wear:A Conference Series proceedings , V 1, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Engineering Mechanics and its Applications, Kitakyushu, Japan, 30 – 31 August 2013: 1-9
8. 冯维明、李源、苗楠,基于傅立叶平均法的连续小推力动力学分析[J]. 《固体火箭技术》,2012,36(3):285-289 (EI收录)
9. 冯维明 周冲. 连续推力作用下远程协同交会轨道的优化[J]. 《宇航动力学报》2012,2(3):6~9
10. 冯维明,王泽锋. 航天器双主动交会策略研究[J]. 《空间控制技术与应用》 2010.01 Vol37 No1: 1~5
11. 冯维明,曲秀晓,刘晓东. 非谐和振动输送机输送速度分析[J].《振动与冲击》. 2010,29(1)229~232(EI收录)
12. 冯维明、孙艺暇,高黎黎. 完全参数激励下索梁耦合系统非线性动力学分析[J].《机械工程学报》,2009,45(9):19~23(EI收录)
13. 冯维明,高黎黎. 索-梁耦合系统非线性振动分析[J]. 《振动工程学报》,2008,21(2):115~119(EI收录)
14. 冯维明,高黎黎,金栋平. 索-梁耦合系统解的稳定性[J]. 《应用力学学报》,2008,25(2):284~288(EI收录)
15. 冯维明,孙艺暇. 非谐和间歇滑动输送机激振器频率设计优化[J].《振动与冲击》. 2007,26(11):76~78(EI收录)
1.冯维明,刘广荣,李文娟,理论力学,北京:机械工业出版社. 2018.06
2. 冯维明,赵俊峰,宋娟. 工程力学,北京:邮电大学出版社. 2017.12
3. 冯维明,宋娟,赵俊峰. 工程力学(第2版)北京:国防工业出版社. 2016.10
4. 袁建平,李俊峰,和兴锁,冯维明. 航天器相对运动轨道动力学(M),北京:中国宇航出版社,2013.03
5. 冯维明,宋娟,赵俊峰. 材料力学,北京:国防工业出版社. 2010.05