WANG Shao-Wei
Department of Engineering Mechanics School of Civil Engineering,
Shandong University, Jinan, 250061, China,
Email: shaoweiwang@sdu.edu.cn
B.S. in Mathematics,1998.9 – 2002.6, Shanxi University, Taiyuan, China
Master-Doctor combined in Mathematics,2002.9 – 2007.7, with Prof. Mingyu Xu, Shandong University, Jinan, China
Post-doctoral research in fluid mechanics, 2007.7 – 2009.6, with Prof. Wenchang Tan, Peking University, Beijing, China
Major Research Interests:
(1) Heat and mass transfer in porous media,
(2) Fluid mechanics,
(3) Mathematical methods in mechanics.
Representative Publications:
[1] Panchun Liang, Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao,Numerical study of rotating electroosmotic flow of Oldroyd-B fluid in a microchannel with slip boundary condition, Chinese Journal of Physics 65, 459-471(2020)
[2] Hu Xu, Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao, Oscillatory flow of second grade fluid in a straight rectangular duct, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 279, 104245(2020)
[3] Xuyang Sun, Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao, Oscillatory flow of Maxwell fluid in a tube of isosceles right triangular cross section, Physics of Fluids31,123101 (2019)
[4] Xuyang Sun, Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao, Qiangyong Zhang, Numerical solution of oscillatory flow of Maxwell fluid in a rectangular straight duct, Appl. Math. Mech. Engl. Ed. 40(11), 1647-1656 (2019)
[5] Shaowei Wang*, Peilin Li, Moli Zhao, Analytical study of oscillatory flow of Maxwell fluid through a rectangular tube, Physics of Fluids31, 063102 (2019)
[6] 戴德宣,王少伟*.趋旋性微生物在幂律流体饱和水平多孔层中的热-生物对流稳定性分析,应用数学和力学,Vol. 40 (8): 856-865 (2019)
[7] Nehad Ali Shah, Xiaoping Wang, Haitao Qi, Shaowei Wang, Ahmad Hajizadeh, Transient electro-osmotic slip flow of an Oldroyd-B fluid with time-fractional Caputo-Fabrizioderivative, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 5, 779-790 (2019)
[8] Nehad Ali Shah, Shaowei Wang, ThanaaElnaqeeb and Haitao Qi, Soret and Memory effects on Unsteady MHD Natural Convection Heat and Mass transfer Flow in a Porous medium with Newtonian Heating, Journal of Porous Media, Accepted
[9] Qiulei Sun, Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao, Chen Yin, Qiangyong Zhang, Weaknonlinear analysis of Darcy-Brinkman convection in Oldroyd-Bfluid saturated porous media undertemperature modulation,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 138, 224-256 (2019)
[10] Moli Zhao, Shaowei Wang*, Haibo Wang, U. S. Mahabaleshwar, Darcy–Brinkman bio-thermal convection in a suspension of gyrotactic microorganisms in a porous medium, Neural Comput&Applic 31, 1061-1067 (2019)
[11] Nehad Ali Shah, ThanaaElnaqeeb, Shaowei Wang, Effects of Dufour and fractional derivative on unsteady natural convection flow over an infinite vertical plate with constant heat and mass fluxes, Comp. Appl. Math. 37, 4931-4943 (2018)
[12] Moli Zhao, Yue Xiao, Shaowei Wang*, Linear stability of thermal-bioconvection in a suspension of gyrotactic micro-organisms, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126, 95–102 (2018)
[13] 任晓飞,魏守水,刘飞飞,张玲,王少伟,许明田,改进的浸入边界-晶格Boltzmann法的蠕动流分析,振动测试与诊断,Vol.38(3),454-460 (2018)
[14] Moli Zhao, Shaowei Wang*, S.C. Li, Q.Y. Zhang, U.S. Mahabaleshwar, Chaotic Darcy-Brinkman convection in a fluid saturated porous layer subjected to gravity modulation, Results in Physics 9, 1468–1480 (2018)
[15] Shaowei Wang*, Ning Li, Moli Zhao and Martin N. Azese, Effect of Slip Velocity on the rotating Electro-Osmotic flow of the power-law fluid in a slowly varying microchannel, Z. Naturforsch. 73(9)a: 825–831 (2018)
[16] Xuewen Wang, Bo Li, Shaowei Wang, Zhaojian Yang, Liu Cai, The transporting efficiency and mechanical behavior analysis of scraper conveyor, ProcIMechEPart C: J Mechanical Engineering Science 232(18), 3315-3324 (2018)
[17] U.S. Mahabaleshwar, D. Basavaraja, Shaowei Wang*, Giulio Lorenzini, Enrico Lorenzini, Convection in a porous medium with variable internal heat source and variable gravity, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 111, 651–656 (2017)
[18] Moli Zhao, Shaowei Wang*, Qiangyong Zhang, Shucai Li, Linear stability of one-dimensional non-Darcy flow in broken rocks, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech 39, 1063-1072 (2015)
[19] Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao, Xicheng Li, Shoushui Wei, Analytical Solutions of Time Periodic Electroosmotic Flow in a Semicircular Microchannel, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 8(2), 323-327 (2015)
[20] Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao, Xicheng Li, Anomalous Diffusion with Step-Function Injection in a Radial Geometry, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics 8(1), 1-5 (2015)
[21] Moli Zhao, Shaowei Wang*,Qiangyong Zhang, Linear and nonlinear stability analysis of double diffusive convection in a Maxwell fluid saturated porous layer with internal heat source, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014, 489279 12 pages (2014)
[22] Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao, Xicheng Li, Xi Chen, Yanhui Ge, Exact Solutions of Electro-Osmotic Flow of Generalized Second-Grade Fluid with Fractional Derivative in a Straight Pipe of Circular Cross Section, Z. Naturforsch. 69a, 697- 704 (2014)
[23] Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao, Xicheng Li,Transient electro-osmotic flow of generalized Maxwell fluids in a straight pipe of circular cross section, Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 12(6), 445-451 (2014)
[24] Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao, Closed-form solutions of transient electro-osmotic flow driven by AC electric field in a microannulus, Boundary Value Problems 2014, 2014:215
[25] Liu Feifei, Wei Shoushui, Wang Shaowei, Wei Changzhi, Ren Xiaofei, Simulation of biomimetic traveling-wave micro-pump using a modified immersed boundary–lattice Boltzmann method, ProcIMechE Part N: J Nanoengineering and Nanosystems 228(4), 189-198 (2014)
[26] Moli Zhao, Shaowei Wang*, Qiangyong Zhang, Onset of triply diffusive convection in a Maxwell fluid saturated porous layer, Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (2014) 2345–2352
[27] Zhixin Yang, Shaowei Wang*, Moli Zhao, et.al., The onset of double diffusive convection in a viscoelastic fluid-saturated porous layer with non-equilibrium model, PLoS ONE 8(11): e79956. (2013)
[28] Moli Zhao, Shaowei Wang*, Shoushui Wei, Transient electro-osmotic flow of Oldroyd-B fluids in a straight pipe of circular cross section, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 201, 135-139 (2013)
[29] Xicheng Li, Shaowei Wang, Moli Zhao, Two methods to solve a fractional single phase moving boundary problem, Cent. Eur. J. Phys. 11(10), 1387-1391 (2013)
[30] Shaowei Wang*,Moli Zhao, Xicheng Li, Radial anomalous diffusion in an annulus, Physica A 390, 3397–3403 (2011)
[31] Xi Chen, Shaowei Wang, Stability analysis of thermosolutal convection in a horizontal porous layer using a thermal non-equilibrium model. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 32, 78-87 (2011)
[32] Shaowei Wang, Wenchang Tan, Stability analysis of soret-driven double-diffusive convection of Maxwell fluid in a porous medium, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 32, 88-94 (2011)
[33] Shaowei Wang, Wenchang Tan, The onset of Darcy-Brinkman thermosolutal convection in a horizontal porous media, Physics Letters A, 373, 776-780 (2009)
[34] Shaowei Wang, Mingyu Xu, Xicheng Li, Green’s function of time fractional diffusion equation and its applications in fractional quantum mechanics, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications10, 1087-1096 (2009)
[35] Shaowei Wang*, Mingyu Xu, Axial Couette flow of two kinds of fractional viscoelastic fluids in an annulus, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 10, 1080-1087 (2009)
[36] Masood Khan, Shaowei Wang, Flow of a generalized second-grade fluid between two side walls perpendicular to a plate with a fractional derivative model, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 10, 203-208 (2009)
[37] Xicheng Li, Mingyu Xu, Shaowei Wang, Scale-invariant solutions to partial differential equations of fractional order with a moving boundary condition, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.41, 155202 (2008)
[38] Xicheng Li, Mingyu Xu, Shaowei Wang, Analytical solutions to the moving boundary problems with space–time-fractional derivatives in drug release devices, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.40, 12131-12141 (2007)
[39] Shaowei Wang, Wenchang Tan, Stability analysis of double-diffusive convection of Maxwell fluid in a porous medium heated from below, Physics Letters A, 372, 3046-3050 (2008)
[40] Shaowei Wang*,Mingyu Xu, Generalized fractional Schrödinger equation with space-time fractional derivatives, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 48, 043502 (2007)
[41] Wang Shaowei, Xu Mingyu, Exact solution on unsteady Couette flow of generalized Maxwell fluid with fractional derivative, ActaMechanica, Volume 187, Numbers 1-4 / November, 103-112 (2006)
[1] 宋娟, 冯维明, 王少伟等. 试论 “课堂实时反馈系统” 在力学课堂教学中的应用. 力学与实践, 40(3): 329-331 (2018)
[2] 王少伟*, 赵茉莉, 冯维明. 力学和数学中的“调和”释义. 力学与实践, 40(5): 560-562 (2018)
[1] 2015年,粘弹性流体的流动和传热传质研究,教育部自然科学一等奖(3/3)
[2] 2015年,反常输运过程中分数阶微积分理论及应用,山东省自然科学二等奖(2/4)
[3] 2016年,杜庆华力学与工程青年学者奖
[1] 山东力学学会理事
[2] 华东基础力学与工程应用协会常务理事
[3] 担任多个期刊编委:Current Chinese Computer Science、Information Engineering and Applied Computing、Insight Mechanics